作文教学中多媒体的角色定位———对合理运用多媒体提高作文教学效果的思考 EmotionalTeachingofEnglish 徜徉书海超越课堂
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第214期 总第4250期 2011年06月07日 星期二
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来源:ZhufuYuweisecondarys 作者:admin 发布日期:2011-06-24 12:02:31

     Emotion English teaching: the emotion refers to the attitude of people the experience of objective things.
First, the causes of emotional English language teaching. Language is the exchange of ideas and express feelings tools. We can use their mother tongue freely express their thoughts, feelings daily communication, but as a foreign language in English, its language features of the process of English teaching in secondary schools has been severely weakened.
     Second, emotion-oriented theoretical basis for English teaching Psychology. And emotion can be no biological driving force in the context of the role of human activity from driving. In the teaching process, using the inherent power of teaching content and lively teaching methods and the emotional appeal of individual teachers. Teaching and learning is not only a simple knowledge, from knowledge to the process of understanding, but also a psychological process of change, and often depends on the emotional effects of cognitive changes. In other words, emotional effects of change on the understanding plays a regulatory role. In general, a positive emotional experience. In teaching practice, you will find that happy to learn and suffering to learn, the effect is great not the same.
     Third, emotional ways of English language teaching:
     1.A classroom teaching activities is the main front. The reform of English teaching materials for the classroom emotional communication has created good conditions. Teachers teaching in the classroom variety of teaching methods should be used to stimulate students, not only to enhance the students understanding of texts, but also to expand vocabulary through reading and knowledge. Students have laughed in such a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, students can not only have a certain understanding of the characters, but also can use English to express the their love and hate, in the acquisition of language at the same time, emotions have been sublimated. 
      2. After-school English activities appropriate to carry out to further enhance mutual understanding and exchange of teachers and students.
     3. Tension can also be a serious test for the emotional communication plus brick Tim Watts. Examination is a headache Shier most students. In response to this phenomenon, I usually made a little bit of examination Juanmian reform, adopted the "enthusiastic papers" form, that is cold in the original paper to add some with emotional slogans. Be careful and you'll make fewer mistakes. Practice has proved that the students like this type of reform, the psychological pressure is relatively reduced.
     Fourth, emotional principles of English teaching:
     1. The principle of equality in the emotional English language teaching process, the most important thing is to comply with the principle of equality. Emotion-oriented teaching of English requires us to follow students stand on the same line. Modern education calls for equality in the new teacher-student relationship.
     2. The main principles of teaching activities, students are subject, Emotional experience of those who should be the main body of students, the process of emotional communication activities must comply with the laws of physical and mental development of students Xun, the emotional factors that only have contagious effects on students only when they play a regulatory role in teaching.
     Fifth, emotion-oriented English teaching on the teacher's request. Emotion-oriented English teaching for teachers put forward higher requirements than ever before, teachers should use positive emotions to the infected students. First, teachers themselves should have a hot rich in emotions, such feelings from a love of teaching. Secondly, as teachers of English, the language itself must have a solid foundation. Third, the emotional demands of English teachers in English language teaching has a strong sense of innovation.
     In the foreign language teaching process, emotional communication is soul contact with the bridge. To the positive emotional exchanges with students, not only in order to achieve the perfect combination of teaching and learning, but also in order to create the best teaching results, cultivate the high needs of the times the quality of talent. Emotion-oriented English teaching in line with the direction of quality education.


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